frequently asked questions


We know you are busy and we strive to respect your time. You can expect your first visit and evaluation to take approximately 60 minutes. If you are coming in with family members who are also getting their assessments, please prepare for longer. Completing the paperwork ahead of arrival will also save you time in our office. After the first two visits, a typical visit takes between 5 and 15 minutes. There will be an occasional re-assessment as we closely monitor your progress, which on average takes no more than 20-30 minutes. We will schedule these extended appointments ahead of time with you so that you can properly plan for your day. If you would like to schedule additional time to talk one-on-one about a particular issue, just speak to our team and we will gladly accommodate you.

will I need X-rays? should I bring old mri/x-rays if i have them?

Every person and case is different. This is why we spend time discussing your health history and performing thorough assessments. We have a saying in our office that to see is to know, and to not see is to guess. The last thing we ever want to do is make guesswork of your health. Our doctor will determine if you need diagnostic imaging, as these specific, chiropractic postural x-rays- taken with our in-house digital, state-of-the-art equipment- help us understand if there are any problem areas in the structure and what the integrity of your spine is. These images show areas of degeneration, loss of disc space between the bones, lack of or abnormal curvature, and even the start of compensating curvatures. Any contraindications, limitations and more accurate expectations for your results are revealed.

If you have old x-rays, MRIs or other advanced imaging studies, please feel free to bring copies along to your first visit. Our doctor would be happy to look at any previous studies that you have. They may help the doctor better understand your history and the cause of your health concerns. If warranted, our doctor may recommend additional diagnostic imaging if more information or other views are needed.

How many visits will i need?

Each case is unique. We will be able to create your plan of action once we have had a chance to look at your health history, understand your goals, and perform our assessments. Your specific recommendations will be presented and discussed on your second visit, after the doctor has had a chance to fully evaluate your condition.

How much will chiropractic care cost?

Not only is chiropractic proven to be effective in treating a variety of ailments, it is also extremely cost-effective. Studies have shown that chiropractic patients and insurance companies save significantly on healthcare costs such as hospitalizations, surgeries, medications and more. As every person and situation is different, it is difficult to know how much your care will cost before the doctor has a chance to evaluate you. After you complete the initial consultation and assessments, the doctor will be able to determine your recommendations for care and a plan of action to help you reach your health goals. At your second visit, all financials will be explained and questions answered. It is important for us to keep care affordable for the whole family, so we have a variety of options available to you.


Yes, we are in network with medicare. On your first visit, we will complete a complimentary benefits check to let you know exactly what is covered, so please bring us your photo ID and insurance card. You will not incur any charges prior to us discussing them with you. For every other major insurance company, we are more than happy to print off a specific receipt, known as a superbill, for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. While reimbursement is not guaranteed based on your specific plan, deductible, and benefits, this allows us to dictate the kind of and cost of care you need since we do not need to play by insurance’s rules. Oftentimes, our care is comparable, if not more affordable, to insurance price-points.

When will I get my first adjustment?

First, we need to identify the cause(s) of your health concerns by looking at your history and completing thorough health assessments and diagnostic imaging, if necessary, in our office. We typically do not start care on your first visit so that we can spend quality time looking over your findings and determining what care you need to get you back to functioning and feeling better. Your health is important to us and we pride ourselves on doing it due diligence.

I am in a lot of pain and was really hoping to get adjusted today. What can I expect?

We understand being in pain is frustrating and we are so honored to help you achieve better health. Our goal is to get you functioning and feeling better as quickly as we can, in a way that gets you long-term results. We don’t typically adjust on the first visit. There are two things that are the most important to us: your health and our reputation. We are not willing to sacrifice either by rushing into your care. After completing your health history and our thorough assessments to determine the cause of your health concerns, it is essential that we have time to analyze and review everything to conclude what type of care you need to achieve your health goals. Any exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis.

When will i start feeling better?

Every person is different and the way their body responds depends on many factors. For example, if you have been dealing with neck pain and acid reflux for 10 years, it would be imprudent to assume you will feel better after just one adjustment. Some individuals feel better after the first adjustment, while others feel better after months of care. Some people experience healing sensations or retracing and can feel worse for a period of time as they begin their journey to functioning better and feeling better. Most of the time, our practice members report sleeping better and experiencing more energy and mental clarity after their first few adjustments. If there is one thing we can guarantee after each adjustment, it is that your body will begin functioning better, and once you have proper nerve function and are holding your adjustments, the nerves can begin to heal and you will feel better as a result. True healing takes time and repetition.

Do i need to keep coming back if i feel fine?

Remember that “feeling fine” is not the same as functioning well. Pain is like the worst employee you’ve ever had – it is usually the last to show up and one of the first to go. It is a warning signal that a dysfunction has been present in your body for too long. Achieving true health and healing takes time and repetition, and when we are reaching your health goals, the last thing we want to happen is for your body to reverse back to where it was or become even worse off than before. Similar to brushing your teeth, achieving a fitness goal, or improving your diet, maximizing your health and the work you have done with maintenance chiropractic care ensures the continuance of optimal function and healing and keeps your body prepared to handle the various stress we experience every day.

is chiropractic safe?

Chiropractic is very safe. It is a non-surgical, non-invasive, drug-free approach to health and is among the safest of all health care practices. Chiropractic does not take anything out of the body or put anything in the body. It is designed to clear the path of communication in the nervous system so the body can heal and maintain its own health. Because chiropractic is so safe, chiropractors are able to enjoy one of the lowest malpractice rates of all healthcare practitioners.

Are chiropractors doctors?

Yes, chiropractors are doctors. While often referred to as chiropractors, the official title is Doctor of Chiropractic (also known as DC). Chiropractors are not Medical or Osteopathic Doctors (MD or OD). But like MDs and ODs, DCs undergo extensive education and training before becoming licensed professionals. Their curriculum is grounded in the sciences, but while medical doctors focus largely on pharmacology and surgery, chiropractors dedicate those hours to nutrition, neurology, and advanced imaging.

what kind of training do chiropractors have?

Like all healthcare practitioners, chiropractors undergo extensive education and training before receiving their doctorate degree and licensing. Prior to entering the doctorate program, students are required to master the core sciences such as chemistry, biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, pathology, and physics. Once in the doctorate program, students continue training into the advanced clinical sciences, including neurology, bacteriology, virology, radiology, toxicology, orthopedics, and differential diagnosis. Chiropractors do not practice medicine, but instead receive PhD-level education in nutrition. Students also receive extensive training on adjusting techniques and must complete clinical internships to perfect these skills. Many doctors of chiropractic also choose to complete associateships, working alongside an established professional in the field. Lastly, all doctors of chiropractic must pass several rigorous national board exams and state exams before obtaining their license.