What is Health?


Science tells uS…

the nervous system, comprised of your brain, spinal cord, and nerves, controls and coordinates all the cells, tissues, organs, muscles, joints, and processes of the body. As chiropractors, we identify where there is interference to the nervous system. The bones in our back- our spinal column- protect the vital connection and communication between the nervous system and the rest of the body. Subluxations, or these tension points within the nervous system, cause stress, irritation, and unnecessary pressure on the body, leading to dysfunction and pain we experience. Many subluxations can even be present up to 10-12 years before they cause any pain or other symptom. A variety of health issues can arise, sometimes immediately and sometimes after years of improper nerve function. Oftentimes, we don’t even realize how much our bodily pains and dysfunctions keep us from enjoying life and doing the things we love to the best of our ability.

In this day and age, we are quick to simply treat the symptom instead of going deeper to identify the root cause of our health concerns. This approach to our health can often result in unnecessary interventions, increased difficulties, and recurrent issues. In our office, our focus is not solely on the symptom, or the immediate short term, quick-fix, band-aid style treatment to relieve pain. By providing true restoration of subluxation, we aim for long-term improvement and optimal health and healing for life.

At Homestead Chiropractic, we will never underestimate or put a limit on you or your child’s innate ability to heal and function when there is no obstruction to the nervous system. Through the use of very specific and gentle chiropractic adjustments, we will get to the root cause of your health concerns and restore balance, movement, and ultimately the communication between the brain and the body. With time and repetition, this allows your body to regain proper nerve function and facilitate your natural healing abilities so you not only work at your best, but also feel your best.


“Healing comes from inside, not outside. It is simply the body's natural attempt to restore equilibrium when equilibrium is lost. Healing cannot be prevented from occurring (though it can be obstructed in its expression), nor can it be obtained from anyone or anything external. You are born with the power to heal because healing is an innate capacity of every person, as it is of every animal and plant, and, I suspect, of every created thing.”

— Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D.


If you have more questions or would like to experience freedom in your health,
call us at 563-275-2572 or email us at info@homesteadchiroqc.com